Vision, Goals and Outreach

California CBC Delegation

Our Vision is to bring people together from all nations to exchange, network, share ideas and solve global problems around the world, such as: clean water, sanitation problems, medical care, education for children and adults, economic and agricultural development, international trade, import, export and provide empowering workshops worldwide.
Our Goal is to raise fund to help train, educate, assist women and underprivileged children in the United States, Africa, Caribbean and Middle Eastern Regions. We are formally inviting your organization to participate as a sponsor of these events. Proceeds of the events will help to support disadvantaged countries and in your own communities. This aid will also provide improvement in developing promising futures at a professional level. Many of the recipients of our aid do not currently have the resources to obtain the necessary training, education, economic development, business, international trade and investment coaching, which is why we source likeminded organizations such as yourself for additional support.

IAAAACAME & PCAT 501c(3) Tax Deductible Contribution

IAAAACAME & California CBC Delegation Arrival in Ghana

California CBC Delegation
 Passing the Torch Ceremony

IAAAACAME & California CBC Delegation 
Aiding the Displaced in Haiti